Akupresurna tehnika, obrađuju se točke duž kralježnice i masiraju se meridijani leđa, poboljšava se energetska cirkulacija kralježnice, cijelog tijela i organa, poboljšava se mobilnost kralježnice, cirkulacija u vratu koja poboljšava i samu cirkulaciju u glavi te pomaže kod glavobolja, umora….

Acupressure massage along the SPINE

This massage technique involves applying pressure to acupressure points along the spine and massaging the meridians with the aim of stimulating the flow of energy along the spine, through the whole body and the organs. It helps improve spine mobility and clear blockages in the meridians to improve the flow of energy through these energy pathways, especially in the area of the neck and the head. It can thus relieve headaches, fatigue, etc.


  • 45min-  36€
  • 60min- 45€