Trigger point dry needling je terapijska tehnika kojom se tankim iglama tretiraju spomenute točke i otpuštaju napeti mišići i fascije te se smanjuje bolnost, poboljšava opseg pokreta i motorna funkcija.

Koristi se u svrhu otpuštanja napetosti u tkivu koje se običnom masažom ne uspije dovoljno otpustiti, te kod  glavobolja, problema kralježnice, sindroma prenaprezanja, napetosti mišića kod dugog sjedenja, istegnuća mišića…


Trigger point dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting thin needles through the skin into the muscle to release painful myofascial trigger points, allowing for reduced pain, released muscle and fasciae tension, increased range of movement and improved motor function.

This therapy is used to treat painful muscle tension and spasms that cannot be relieved with regular massage therapy. It is also beneficial in relieving headache and migraine, alleviating spine problems, and treating repetitive strain injuries, muscle stiffness after sitting for long periods of time, muscle strains, etc.