Kineska terapijska tehnika čišćenja meridijana. Poboljšava cirkulaciju, protok limfe, povećava razinu kisika u tkivima, potiče regeneraciju stanica, smanjuje mičićnu napetost, regulira funkciju unutarnji organa, poboljšava probavu, izbacuje štetne tvari iz tijela…
Dug je popis problema kod kojih je ova terapijska tehnika vrlo učinkovita. Radi se po potrebi, za održavanje zdravlja/ energetskog balansa ili terapijski, kod ciljanog rješavanja određenog problema.
Gua Sha is a Chinese therapy that aims to regulate the flow of energy in the body by targeting blocked or unbalanced meridians, i.e. paths that connect major organs and bodily functions. It stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, increases oxygen supply at the tissue level and promotes cell regeneration. It also reduces muscle tension, regulates internal organ function and improves digestion, helping eliminate toxic substances from the body…
This massage therapy can be effectively used to treat a number of health conditions, as appropriate. It may be used to enhance general health and wellbeing, maintaining the overall balance of energy in the body, or to treat specific health issues.
Terapijski tretman: 35€ (u paketu od 5 tretmana i više cijena je 22€ po tretmanu)
Segmentalna obrada: 12€